ultrashapeUltraShape is a procedure that effectively and safely reduces fat without breaking the skin with injections and incisions such as liposuction and tummy tuck. This clinically proven treatment is trusted by many physicians to drastically reduce body circumference.

UltraShape is designed to be a quick process lasting for forty-five to sixty minutes. A consultation can cover areas like the abdomen, flanks and thighs. Since the procedure requires no downtime, follow-ups and recovery, patients can resume their day right after treatment! On average, a procedure can reduce 4cm and up to 10cm after three sessions.

Its use is endorsed by many clinics for people who is interested in a body contour.


UltraShape is a non-surgical operation that can quickly dispose of fat. It is developed for cosmetic purposes based on findings that ultrasound is a safe way to break down fat. The process is simply applying a controlled frequency to a local area where fat accumulates. This way, the procedure does not affect neighboring body parts, while the patient’s body naturally excretes the excess fat. Additionally, it requires no anesthesia.

The operation requires the use of a device called UltraShape Contour I. This system, manufactured by UltraShape Ltd., uses a real-time tracking and guiding system to bring a uniform effect to the patient. The doctor labels the areas that need treatment, like the abdomen, flank and thighs. The software automatically maps the area where the fat deposits are.

Aside from the radar-like interface, the operator also uses a transducer that focuses the ultrasound into the labeled subcutaneous layer using acoustic waves. The frequency is divided into focused blasts to prevent damage to the blood vessels and bones.

What happens to the burnt fat?

Our adipose tissue consists of triglycerides (80%-90%) and cholesterol (2%-3%), while the remainder of the tissue is predominantly water and specialized cells. Once it takes effect, the triglyceride is broken down and can be injected to the blood via the lymphatic system, reabsorbed or redirected to the liver.


While many think of the procedure as a one-and-done treatment, many satisfied clients return to further improve their shape after 2-8 weeks. For the maximum effect, doctors usually recommend a total of four sessions.

The physician marks the treatment area, and cleans the marked areas, as well as the operation space. The patient is positioned to lie down on bed where the transducer can be administered. The doctor selectively delivers ultrasound the marked regions smoothly. The doctor checks and re-evaluates any area that is not applicable to the procedure, and makes the necessary suggestions.


Unlike surgical treatments, UltraShape does not need any recovery time. The procedure itself is often described as a comfortable experience for the clients.

However, even if it is safe for other tissues, the acoustic feedback might contribute to brittle bones. This is why bony areas are re-evaluated. Since the treatment also considers how the skin looks like after treatment, skin marks such as tattoos, birthmarks and scars are avoided.

Price and Availability

Prices vary. Some get treatment for as low as $1500, while others shoot up to $9500. On average though, prices go in between $3000 - $3500.

Additionally, machines are only distributed to a few accredited beauty clinics. You can check the link below to see if there is any clinics that perform this operation on your area: