Thigh lift surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that involves tightening the skin of the thigh region and decreasing loose skin of the outer thigh. The best candidates for this procedure are those with excess fatty tissue in the thigh area.

thigh-lift-surgeryIt is recommended to get a liposuction procedure done before attempting a thigh lift. Liposuction will suction out most excess fatty tissue. After a few months have passed, a reevaluation will take place to see if the individual is a good candidate for a thigh lift surgery.

Thigh Lift Surgery Procedure

The thigh lift surgery procedure is usually conducted under either local or general anesthesia in an outpatient facility. The thighs are marked and outlined, and then the skin is elevated towards the groin area. The cosmetic surgeon will make an estimation of how much skin will need to be cut away.

Any scars will be concealed within the groin crease. Surplus fat and skin is removed and the remaining thigh skin is lifted and tightened. Patients usually tolerate the thigh lift surgery pretty well. After the thigh lift surgery is complete, patients are advised to get bed rest and avoid leg motion as much as possible as not to affect the scars.

Before and After Images

Thigh reduction surgery before and after images can be viewed on this website:, and this site:

Thigh Lift Surgery Costs

Thigh lift surgery costs depend on whether it is done on the upper thigh, middle thigh, or the inner thigh; if it is in conjunction with a liposuction treatment, or butt lift, along with the thigh lift surgery. The national average cost of this procedure is $7,500 to $10,000. This includes the surgeon’s fee and hospital fee.

Thigh Lift Surgery Risks

If performed by a skilled surgeon, thigh lift surgery is a safe procedure to undergo. However, just as with any surgical procedure, risks are involved. These could include blood clots, infection, and adverse reactions to the anesthesia. There could also be hemorrhaging, and excessive healing time.


The first several days following the thigh lift surgery, a drainage tube will be set up for the incision sites. If patients can tolerate it, they are allowed to walk around lightly during the first 48 hours, although strenuous activities such as climbing stairs and squatting should be avoided.

A follow-up visit will be scheduled within 2-3 days to remove any dressings and to evaluate the healing of wounds. The next visit will be within 10-12 days where the incision sites will be reassessed and checked for the proper healing process.

Thighs will feel tight and swollen, but this should dissipate after 6 weeks. Scars will fade after 2-3 months. Patients will be left with gorgeous, tightened, elevated and flattened contour to the inner and outer thighs.