ProFractional LaserThere are many innovations constantly introduced in the field of cosmetic enhancement. The ProFractional laser treatment is evidence of this. A better version of laser skin treatments, the Profractional laser treatment is more aggressive yet less harmful than most other laser enhancements for the skin. The ProFractional treatment is primarily applied on the face, but other parts of the body can undergo the procedure as well.

How does the ProFractional Laser work?

The laser utilized in the procedure is known as the ProFractional Laser. It treats problematic areas while keeping the rest of the face intact. The laser can go beyond the skin and deeper into the facial tissue where it generates heat that is necessary for the treatment. Collagen production is boosted by this heat, which in turn alleviates skin problems. The unique quality of the ProFractional Laser is its ability to create bridges in the skin where the energy is exclusively delivered. The treatment channels lay alongside untouched areas of the skin - these neutral areas allow the treated skin patches to heal faster.

What is done during the procedure?

Anesthetic creams are applied on the face at the start of the ProFractional laser treatment. The cream numbs the face to the slight heating sensation caused by the laser. However, the procedure is generally painless. The face is then blasted with laser energy in rhythmic patterns.

Does it take long to get the procedure and recover from it?

The duration of the procedure will vary depending on the size of the area to be treated and the level of treatment. On the average, though, each ProFractional laser treatment session consumes an average of fifteen to thirty minutes. Since it only takes a short time, busy people can stop for a treatment without setting back their schedules a great deal. Only a minimal recovery period is involved in this procedure. Patients can return to their regular activities in just two days.

Do results show up at once?

Any breaks in the skin resulting from the ProFractional treatment begin to heal in about forty-eight to seventy-two hours. Positive changes in the skin can be noticed in a few weeks. Lines, wrinkles, acne scars and other facial problems are corrected and the skin looks healthier and younger.

How soon before the effects fade?

In the most ideal situations, ProFraction effects have the tendency to last for a few years. Usually, patients must return for three more ProFractional laser treatments in order to gain the most desirable results.

What side effects should one expect?

The usual side effects of the ProFractional laser treatment are redness, swelling, peeling and other indications of skin sensitivity. When these side effects occur, it would take a minimum of two weeks for them to vanish. Prolonged periods of side effect manifestation are also not unheard of.

What are the possible negative effects of the procedure?

The deep penetration capacity of the ProFractional Laser may result in aggressive treatment but it can also cause further damage like infections and scars. It is uncommon for these to take place, though. Post-treatment skin care routines are important because the ProFractional laser treatment makes the skin more sensitive to the elements, like UV rays.