surgical-face-liftA face lift surgical procedure is one that involves improving one’s looks or self-confidence. This procedure is usually performed on individuals between the ages of 30 and 80.

A surgical face lift does not stop the aging process, but can successfully create a more youthful appearance. Most patients leave feeling more confident after the surgical face lift is complete.

Your facial plastic surgeon will discuss with you before the surgical face lift begins if you are a candidate for additional changes that are needed in the neck and chin areas. Many individuals do decide to go ahead with any facial liposuction that removes excess fatty deposits.


After the decision has been approved by the doctor and patient, the surgical face lift will start with the cosmetic surgeon making an initial incision in the temple region around the hairline. Then the doctor will proceed to cut around the lobe, circling the ear and, lastly, returning to the initial incision site.

Before the cosmetic surgeon repositions and tightens the connective tissue and underlying muscle, he will raise the skin outward. Fat and excess skin will be removed.

The cosmetic surgeon will end by closing the incision with tiny stitches. The process should take around two to four hours, depending on the extent of the surgical face lift. The patient should experience only slight discomfort, as a combination of mild intravenous anesthesia, local anesthesia and mild sedatives are used.

Some patients who are more nervous usually want general anesthesia. Upon completion of the surgical face lift, the cosmetic surgeon will protect the treated area by applying sterile dressings.


The average cost of a surgical face lift is $6,000 to $15,000. Anesthesia is about $1,000 to $1,300, while the facility fee is approximately $500 to $2,000. The rest of the cost is what the cosmetic surgeon will charge. Price will vary depending on the extent and location. Many cosmetic surgeons offer payment plans.


Surgical face lifts are usually very safe procedures. However, there are always some general risks involved in any surgical procedure. These include scarring, blood or fluid retention under the skin, numbness, nerve damage, and infection. The cosmetic surgeon should go over all the risks and complications before the surgery takes place.


After the surgical face lift is complete, the face and head will be bandaged to help the decrease of bruising and swelling. A drainage tube could be inserted if needed, to prevent fluid and blood from gathering under the skin. Pain medication will be administered.

Skin discoloration, numbness, and swelling will occur for up to two weeks. The head should be kept immobile and elevated for the first few days to minimize swelling. In approximately five days, most sutures will be taken out.

Most individuals can resume a normal work load within two weeks. To promote proper healing, the patient will be advised to do nothing but rest until a full recovery is made.